Welcome to
St. John Youth Ministry!
"Youth" encompasses all young learners age 3 through grade 12. Learn more about what's coming up and what we have to offer for the children and teens in your family.

High School Youth Group
Wednesday night Youth Group meets at 7:17 p.m. in the Youth Room or Courtyard (watch the weather)!
We're continuing our fall line-up with special events and a new Bible study:
Mar. 12 - Deceived by Darkness: Fire Burn & Cauldron Bubble
Mar. 19 - Deceived by Darkness: Pins, Needles, & Crystals
Youth serve the Lenten meal. Each family is asked to
bring a dozen muffins or rolls for the dessert.
Mar. 26 - Deceived by Darkness: Costume Party
April 2 - Deceived by Darkness: The Ultimate Abomination
April 9 - Drive Thru History
April 16 - Holy Week Game Night at 6:30 p.m.
April 23 - Drive Thru History/Q&A
April 30 - Last Night of 2024-2025 Youth Group
Additional fellowship opportunities for students in
grades 9-12 will be announced as they are planned
by our Youth Board.
Youth Room Brick Showcase! Painted by our graduating seniors and DCE Jessica Blocker:
Middle School Youth Group
Special events for youth in grades 6-8 will be announced as they are planned by our Youth Board and staff.
The Youth Board will be hosting 4th Sunday middle school youth group! Watch here for more details.
Confirmation Classes
Classes meet Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. from September 4 through Palm Sunday.
2nd-year students will meet with Pastor Booe and DCE Jessica Blocker in Room 205 for Catechism instruction. At this time, 1st-year and 3rd-year courses are not offered during midweek.
Contact Pastor Booe or DCE Jessica Blocker with any questions about our Confirmation Program.

Sunday School
Sunday School classes are offered for those age 3 through
8th Grade on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:15 a.m.
in the Education Wing. Programming begins for the 2024-2025 school year on September 8, 2024.
Kingdom Kids
All students in 2nd-5th grade are invited to be a part of Kingdom Kids. This program takes places Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Rooms 208/209 of the Education Wing from September-April.

Voices needed!
Junior Choir is open to all youth grades 2 through 12 and runs from September 8, 2024 through April 13, 2025.
The group holds practices on Sundays at 11:15 a.m. following the Christian Education hour. Rehearsals run for about 20 minutes. Any students who are interested in sharing their talents through voice or instrument are invited to contact Junior Choir director, Jessica Blocker.
Any questions? Contact DCE Jessica Blocker!
dcejess@gmail.com | (507) 283-2316